642. Books Journalism and Social Media with Sophie Vershbow
642. Books Journalism and Social Media with Sophie Vershbow

Sophie Vershbow is a white woman with long brown hair. She has blue eyes and is smiling. She is wearing a black sweater with white and purple horizontal stripesSophie Vershbow is a freelance journalist who writes a lot about books, reading, and the publishing industry. You might have seen her article about celebrity book ghost writers and about DNFing without guilt.

We talk about her experience with social media strategy for authors and publishers, and with writing about publishing. We also discuss how much book publicity has changed, so stay tuned for extremely good advice for managing social media for book publicity.

Then, naturally, we turn to reality tv and shopping!

Music: purple-planet.com


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Here are the books we discuss in this podcast:

We have SO MANY LINKS. Get ready!

You can find Sophie Vershbow at her website, on Instagram – and don’t forget her dog, Simon!

We also discussed:

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